De boomkorsurvey 2020 is afgerond. We hadden over het algemeen mooi weer en konden het programma afronden.
The beam trawl survey 2020 has finished and due to good weather conditions we've been able to sample all planned stations.
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Het bakboordnet wordt uitgezet//Setting the portside gear |
Herewith some (preliminary) achievements of the full seven survey weeks. The main survey goal is to collect data on the abundance, length and age distribution of a number of flatfish species (e.g. plaice, sole, turbot, brill, dab, lemon dab). However, fishing with a beam trawl means catching more than flatfish species only, as becomes clear in a previous blog (
Op de kaart staan de plekken waar we gevist hebben. We voerden 74 trekken uit in week 31-33 en ook 74 in week 34-37. In de laatste periode konden we één keer de vangst niet aan boord krijgen, dus we hebben gegevens van 73 vislocaties voor die periode (147 trekken totaal).
The map shows the fishing positions in both periods (2x74 hauls). In the last period we encountered one invalid haul, so there is data from 147 hauls in total.
minimum |
gemiddelde/mean |
maximum |
week 31-33 |
19 |
34 |
50 |
week 34-37 |
21 |
62 |
112 |
scientific_name |
soort |
week 31-33 (zwart/black) |
week 34-37 (rood/red) |
Limanda limanda |
Schar |
74 |
73 |
Pleuronectes platessa |
Schol |
74 |
73 |
Eutrigla gurnardus |
Grauwe poon |
59 |
71 |
Merlangius merlangus |
Wijting |
63 |
63 |
Arnoglossus laterna |
Schurftvis |
74 |
50 |
Callionymus lyra |
Pitvis |
73 |
51 |
Agonus cataphractus |
Harnasmannetje |
60 |
59 |
Microstomus kitt |
Tongschar |
40 |
64 |
Buglossidium luteum |
Dwergtong |
73 |
26 |
Solea solea |
Tong |
71 |
27 |
Scophthalmus maximus |
Tarbot |
56 |
14 |
Chelidonichthys lucerna |
Rode poon |
60 |
9 |
Melanogrammus aeglefinus |
Schelvis |
12 |
55 |
Hippoglossoides platessoides |
Lange schar |
2 |
48 |
Gadus morhua |
Kabeljauw |
14 |
34 |
Lophius piscatorius |
Zeeduivel |
1 |
46 |
Amblyraja radiata |
Sterrog |
1 |
41 |
Echiichthys vipera |
Kleine pieterman |
25 |
16 |
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus |
Witje |
1 |
36 |
Scyliorhinus canicula |
Hondshaai |
11 |
19 |
Pomatoschistus sp. |
Grondel |
27 |
2 |
Scophthalmus rhombus |
Griet |
19 |
9 |
Mullus surmuletus |
Mul |
25 |
1 |
Callionymus maculatus |
Gevlekte pitvis |
23 |
Enchelyopus cimbrius |
Vierdradige meun |
18 |
7 |
Platichthys flesus |
Bot |
25 |
Hyperoplus lanceolatus |
Smelt |
15 |
9 |
Myoxocephalus scorpius |
Zeedonderpad |
16 |
6 |
Callionymus reticulatus |
Rasterpitvis |
18 |
3 |
Leucoraja naevus |
Koekoeksrog |
1 |
18 |
Microchirus variegatus |
Dikrugtong |
18 |
Raja clavata |
Stekelrog |
9 |
7 |
Raja montagui |
Gevlekte rog |
6 |
9 |
Trachurus trachurus |
Horsmakreel |
15 |
Ammodytes sp. |
Zandspieringen indet. |
9 |
4 |
Trisopterus minutus |
Dwergbolk |
12 |
Merluccius merluccius |
Heek |
11 |
Sprattus sprattus |
Sprot |
9 |
2 |
Trisopterus esmarkii |
Kever |
11 |
Syngnathus rostellatus |
Kleine zeenaald |
10 |
Argentina sphyraena |
Kleine zilversmelt |
9 |
Clupea harengus |
Haring |
9 |
Trisopterus luscus |
Steenbolk |
5 |
4 |
Helicolenus dactylopterus |
Blauwkeeltje |
1 |
7 |
Trachinus draco |
Grote pieterman |
7 |
1 |
Lophius budegassa |
Grijze zeeduivel |
7 |
Phrynorhombus norvegicus |
Dwergbot |
2 |
5 |
Liparis liparis liparis |
Slakdolf |
5 |
Cyclopterus lumpus |
Snotolf |
3 |
Raja brachyura |
Blonde rog |
3 |
Squalus acanthias |
Doornhaai |
3 |
Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis |
Scharretong |
2 |
Myxine glutinosa |
Slijmprik |
2 |
Syngnathus acus |
Grote zeenaald |
1 |
1 |
Belone belone |
Geep |
1 |
Callionymus sp. |
Pitvissen indet. |
1 |
Chelidonichthys cuculus |
Engelse poon |
1 |
Ciliata mustela |
Vijfdradige meun |
1 |
Dicentrarchus labrax |
Zeebaars |
1 |
Entelurus aequoreus |
Adderzeenaald |
1 |
Hippocampus guttulatus |
Zeepaardje |
1 |
Lampetra fluviatilis |
Rivierprik |
1 |
Molva molva |
Leng |
1 |
Mustelus sp. |
Mustelus |
1 |
1 |
Pegusa lascaris |
Franse tong |
1 |
Pholis gunnellus |
Botervis |
1 |
Pollachius |
Koolvissen indet. |
1 |
Scomber scombrus |
Makreel |
1 |
Zeugopterus punctatus |
Gevlekte griet |
1 |
Dipturus batis |
Vleet |
1 |